The flavor text even acknowledges that not everyone feels the same way about being pregnant! So why is every sim happy about it the whole time anyway? Why, EA, why? I liked it even less once I decided to play with 4 seasons to a sim year, and realized that meant looking at that silly, arbitrary +20 for way longer than just 2 days, so I fixed it. I've never liked the +20 pregnancy moodlet. Sorry about that, please replace with the fixed version! Update 7/31/20: Bug fix, the moodlet-assigning alarm was being deleted on quitting and reloading a game I'd like to thank gamefreak130 for explaining this. Update 8/21/20: Added Russian translation, thanks to Tomtoq for providing!

Update 10/25/20: Added German translation, thanks to DieNina for providing! Update 11/27/20: Added French translation by FloTheory, thank you! Update : Added Chinese (China and Taiwan) translations by PieceOfCarambola, thanks for the help!