It can also be obtained in another way - by connecting 4 amethyst shards. In this update, the amethyst block is not used in crafting - perhaps it will become very useful in the future. Unlike the budding amethyst, it is very easy to get - it will be enough just to dig with a pickaxe. It is a block generated in the new caves - amethyst geodes - right inside them. They are not so rare, so it’s quite easy to find them. It consists of amethyst blocks and their varieties. Most often generated at the height from 0 to 40 but can also appear at a height of up to 60.

It is a new biome, or rather a structure that can be seen deep underground. It is the first Caves & Cliffs update, in which many new blocks, objects, and creatures appeared. The 1.17 version is a global update for Bedrock Edition, released on June 8, 2021.